
QPCI2099 Inglês
Ano:2019 Banca:EPBAZI Órgão:Pref. Faxinal dos Guedes/SC

Complete the sentence below with the correct relative pronoun. Choose the correct answer.
“They met someone _________ father writes detective stories.”
QPCI13279 Inglês
Ano:2019 Banca:UEPB Órgão:Pref. Pilõezinhos/PB

Text for question.

“Finally the term “language” itself – the goal of second language learning – needs elaboration. In the early days of second language learning studies, this goal was conceived primarily in terms of grammar and vocabulary – literally, then, in terms of language elements. However, subsequent developments in linguistics and related disciplines have led to a much wider conceptualization of the knowledge and abilities that second language learners need to acquire (see for example the seminal

LITTLEWOOD, William. Second Language Learning In: DAVIES, Alan; ELDER, Catherine. The handbook of applied linguistics. Malden, Blackwell Publishing,2004. p.503.

According to Littlewood (2004), which of the following statements DO NOT describe correctly the aspects of communicative competence?
QPCI82215 Inglês
Ano:2019 Banca:IDHTEC Órgão:Pref. Macaparana/PE

Teacher can use this board to teach lessons about:

QPCI95620 Inglês
Ano:2018 Banca:UNOESC Órgão:Pref. Erval Velho/SC

Complete a frase a seguir com uma das alternativas:

Joe’s grandfather drives __________ my grandfather.
QPCI98187 Inglês
Ano:2018 Banca:CURSIVANI Órgão:Pref. Águas de Chapecó/SC

Examine the paragraph below.

“Specific characteristics of the Brazilian context are particularly important in the development of these guidelines, in that sociocultural and political principles such ascitizenship, inclusion and democracy are promotedin the content of the guidelines themselves. The incorporation of these principles is motivated byvarious difficulties faced in the area of education incontemporary society such as the lack of professional qualifications, the lack of quality teaching, exclusion, dropouts, among other factors.”
(Perna, C. B. L., Molsing, K. V., & Ramos,Y. S.)

Thinking on the context above, choose the best option that completes the ideas explored bythe authors.
QPCI110662 Inglês
Ano:2020 Banca:GUALIMP Órgão:Pref. Quissamã/RJ

Complete the sentence below with the correct word. Choose the CORRECT answer.

A friend: The math test was very difficult!
Me: I don’t agree with you. Actually, it was _________ than the last one.”
QPCI182020 Inglês
Ano:2019 Banca:CETREDE Órgão:Pref. Juazeiro do Norte/CE

Complete the blanks of the following sentences with the adjective “good(s)” or the adverb “well”:

  1. She writes very _____, that is why she has so many _____books on the bookstores.
QPCI182024 Inglês
Ano:2019 Banca:CETREDE Órgão:Pref. Juazeiro do Norte/CE

Complete the sentences with the appropriate option:

  1. He is ______. He needs to rest.
  2. I need to change because I´m all _______.
QPCI193847 Inglês
Ano:2019 Banca:NUCEPE/UESPI Órgão:Pref. Teresina/PI

The sequence that shows only countable nouns is
QPCI214522 Inglês
Ano:2019 Banca:EPBAZI Órgão:Pref. Guatambu/SC

A Proposta Curricular de Santa Catarina faz a opção pela concepção histórico-cultural de aprendizagem. São características dessa concepção, exceto: